BLI Premium Report: Steeped Coffee

This coffee startup could usher in a new standard for our favorite daily drink.

BLI Premium Report: Steeped Coffee

Can Steeped Coffee usher in a new coffee standard?

Today, we embark on a journey into the world of coffee innovation, where one company stands poised to disrupt the status quo and redefine how we experience our daily brew. I had a fantastic chat last week with Josh Wilbur, the founder and CEO of Steeped Coffee. I left the conversation excited for the future of his business and its potential impact on our world.

Steeped is a pioneer in single-serving coffee technology, and offers a revolutionary solution that marries convenience with sustainability, delivering a cup of joe that not only tantalizes the taste buds but also nurtures the planet.

Brewing Success: A Tale of Innovation

In the chronicles of coffee history, few inventions enjoyed such widespread adoption as the Keurig instant coffee system. However, with great innovation comes great responsibility, and as the legacy of Keurig unfolds, so too does the environmental impact of its single-use plastic pods. Even the inventor of the K-Cup, John Sylvan, has publicly lamented his difficult-to-recycle creation.

Enter Steeped Coffee, a company founded on the principles of sustainability and quality, determined to forge a new path in the world of single-serving coffee. With its innovative approach and commitment to environmental stewardship, Steeped Coffee seeks to rewrite the narrative, offering consumers a guilt-free indulgence that leaves a positive mark on the planet.

To be clear, Steeped’s Brew Bags aren’t just coffee in a tea bag. They’re a specially engineered product stemming from years of innovation — an ultrasonically welded, triple nitro sealed, commercially compostable solution housed in truly sustainable packaging. And Steeped is not just a single brand, but an entirely new single-serve brewing method that is a category creator, with a platform supporting hundreds of top brands through its proprietary technology.

Brewing Beyond Boundaries: The Steeped Experience

Steeped Coffee isn't just about delivering a caffeine fix; it's about creating an experience that transcends the ordinary. Imagine waking up to the aroma of freshly brewed coffee, knowing that each sip contributes to a brighter, more sustainable future. Sounds cheesy, sure. But with Steeped Coffee, that vision becomes a reality.

Just as John Sylvan's invention, the Keurig instant coffee system, reshaped the coffee industry, Steeped Coffee is on the brink of transforming the single-serving coffee landscape. Founded on principles of sustainability, quality, and innovation, Steeped Coffee offers a solution that not only rivals but surpasses traditional methods in both taste and environmental impact.

Let’s break down why Steeped Coffee is a standout investment opportunity through the lens of our BLAST investing framework:

B - Big Impact: Redefining Convenience

Steeped Coffee is not just about delivering a convenient cup of joe; it's about fundamentally altering our relationship with single-serving coffee. By introducing a method that requires nothing more than hot water and a cup, Steeped Coffee eliminates the need for costly brewing machines and environmentally damaging plastic pods. In doing so, it opens the door to coffee enjoyment for everyone, regardless of access to specialized equipment. That’s a mission worth pursuing, in my view.

L - Large Market: Addressing Global Consumption

The global coffee market represents a vast opportunity, with billions of coffee drinkers worldwide — as evidenced by Starbucks’ nearly $100 billion market capitalization and Keurig Green Mountain’s $13.9 billion acquisition in 2015.

Unlike traditional single-serving methods that cater to a limited market segment, Steeped Coffee appeals to the entire spectrum of coffee enthusiasts. With its innovative approach and commitment to quality, Steeped is well-positioned to capture a significant share of this lucrative market, both domestically and internationally.

A - Adaptable Management: Visionary Leadership

At the helm of Steeped Coffee is a team of visionary leaders dedicated to driving innovation and growth. Led by CEO Josh Wilbur, Steeped's management brings a wealth of experience in both the coffee industry and technology. With a comprehensive IP strategy in place, and a strategic focus on expanding distribution channels and forging partnerships, Steeped's leadership demonstrates a clear vision for the company's future success.

S - Sustainable Growth: A Model for the Future

Steeped Coffee's sustainable business model sets it apart from traditional coffee producers. By prioritizing compostable packaging and environmentally friendly practices, Steeped not only reduces its ecological footprint but also appeals to consumers increasingly conscious of sustainability. With an already long and growing track record of impressive growth, strategic partnerships with more than 400 premier coffee brands, and national distribution already in place through multiple verticals, Steeped Coffee is poised for sustainable, profitable expansion in the years to come.

T - Transparent Operations: Building Trust

Transparency and trust are central to Steeped Coffee's operations. From its commitment to environmentally friendly practices to its open communication with investors, Steeped maintains a culture of accountability and integrity. Investors can rest assured knowing that their investment aligns with a company dedicated to ethical business practices and long-term sustainability.


Steeped Coffee represents more than just a convenient way to enjoy your morning brew. It embodies a shift towards sustainability, innovation, and accessibility in the coffee industry. With its disruptive technology, visionary leadership, and commitment to quality, Steeped Coffee is poised to redefine the single-serving coffee market and deliver significant returns for investors.

🔗 Learn more

As of this writing, Steeped has raised just under $1.46 million (of a $5 million funding goal) from 1,321 investors through this round, which has a deadline of April 25, 2024 at 11:59 PM PDT. The minimum investment is $100 at a $38 million valuation.

If Steeped can realize even a fraction of its potential in the coming years, I think that valuation will be viewed as an absolute bargain down the road.

To your Bottom Line,

Steve Symington